Energy Upgrade Symptoms + Levenna’s Best Tips For Navigating Upgrade Cycles
In this post, I’m going to be sharing how to navigate energy upgrade symptoms and upgrade cycles. As a professional psychic and energy healer (you can read more about me here) I’ve personally experienced so many energy upgrade cycles – and I’ve walked my clients through theirs, too. In this post, I’ve compiled my best tips and tricks from my years of upgrades, healing cycles, and energy purges. These are still my go-to tips. Enjoy!
What exactly are energy upgrade symptoms?
Energetic upgrade symptoms are what you might experience during a spiritual, or energetic upgrade. In essence, an energy upgrade means that your frequency is rising, your vibe is gettin’ high, and you’re moving on up – energetically speaking, of course. This is ascension in a nutshell. As we take in more high vibe energy (and release the old) we energetically ascend upward. This is why, sometimes, after upgrades, you no longer have anything in common with old friends, or old interests or partners. You out-vibrate them. You don’t match anymore, like two mismatched socks in the wash. Sometimes, it’s time for a pair of Birkenstocks, you know?
The truth is, we all go through upgrades. Some can be more intense than others. In the sections below, I’ve split up my tips + advice based on the physical body, soul and spirituality, mental, and emotional levels.
How to navigate an upgrade cycle like a pro
I’ve been through so many of these cycles. The truth is, each upgrade/purge cycle will be slightly different. Depending on the upgrades you’re being hit with at this present time, different layers will be shed and new things will be activated. Each cycle is different, so treat it as so.
(It’s kinda like when you get a small cold. Sometimes, you crave soup. Other times, you crave a really hot steamy shower.)
The important thing to remember is that whatever symptoms you may or may not experience, each upgrade cycle is ultimately an exciting opportunity to embrace the energies at hand and dive into the upgrades you’re going through. Sometimes, this can require us to dive into uncomfortable emotions or past traumas we’ve forgotten about, or never really dealt with. Trust the Universe here. She probably isn’t bringing you through something you can’t already handle.
Embrace the energy upgrade symptoms – and trust they are leading you to something much bigger. Like a bigger payday, a higher love, or the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Your Personal Energy Field & Energy Upgrade Symptoms
When I work with my clients, I’m hugely looking at their energy – their personal energy field. We all have one. This field we each have stores our experiences, emotions, and traumas. It extends to past lives, our ancestral line, and beyond. It’s like a big map of energy from everywhere we’ve ever been in space-time. Cool, huh? But there can be a lot of stuff in that big web of energy that can come up to purge during an upgrade cycle.
Remember, if you don’t understand a specific emotion or pattern coming up to be purged – there is a chance that it could be coming from a past life or your generational line.
Physical Body Energy Upgrade Symptoms
When our energies shift and we take in a higher frequency from an upgrade (think – we soak up a higher vibe, so now the lower stuff must go to make room) sometimes our physical bodies will feel the adjustment.
Energetic upgrade symptoms in the physical body:
- You might notice aches, pains, or soreness in your body as old energy and trauma is being released
- Feeling tired, achy, or a need for more rest
- Your digestion might feel off – or your menstrual cycle might get a little thrown off.
- You might crave certain foods, or be repulsed by others
Navigating energetic upgrade symptoms in the physical body:
- It’s best to minimize the intake of processed, heavy foods
- Drink lots of water, lemon is a great addition
- If you’re called to herbs, take herbs to help to relax your body and acclimate the energy upgrade in your body
- Rest, minimize caffeine, and take lots of time for reflection and rest
- Take epsom salt baths to assist in the movement of old toxins (toxins and trauma are on the same frequency – when you release old trauma from the body, toxins will free up, too)
- Wear cozy clothes
Emotional Energy Upgrade Symptoms
A surefire sign you’re going through a huge energy upgrade is old emotions in the energy field and body being released so you can upgrade on a deeper level. Think of your energy like a closet – if you want to stuff this season’s Chanel from the runway into your closet, you need to make some room, literally, to store everything inside.
Navigating energetic upgrade symptoms with your emotions:
- Allow whatever emotions need to be processed to surface
- Give yourself space to cry, releasing any old emotions as it comes to the surface (this is a great time to throw on a Lana Del Rey playlist and go for a drive to process/clear your head).
- Journal out the old feelings and thoughts that are coming up to be released. Write at the top of the page: “EMOTIONS TO BE RELEASED” and go to town. Rainbow highlighters are a plus.
- Releasing anger? Screaming into a pillow is a great idea.
- Set a five minute timer on your phone and let yourself feel it all in that time. When you’re done, move forward with the to-do list of the day. This gives you time to feel and express yourself, with the safety container of a timer.
- Take a long bath or shower and visualize yourself releasing the emotions into the water.
- Book a session with a healer with help releasing old emotions energetically.
Your Spirituality & Energy Upgrade Symptoms
Navigating energetic upgrade symptoms with your spiritual body:
- Old beliefs, practices, and routines might not resonate as much anymore. As you expand your awareness (hugely connected to third eye energy) you might shift in this way, too. Sometimes, a tower moment might ensue when your foundational beliefs/core values shifts. This is okay. Take time to process this. Remember, that’s basically what an awakening is. Forgive yourself for not knowing everything you know now before. If you were born and you just knew everything there was to know already, what would be the point of life?
- Remember – life is about perspective. Be grateful for the knowledge and the new perception. Don’t beat yourself up for past mistakes, because if you would have known better, you would have done better.
- Go easy on yourself. Upgrades can bring new perspectives, new awareness, new keys to doors previously locked up. Be compassionate towards past versions of you who didn’t have the wisdom, the knowledge, or the resources you have now. That was all part of the journey. If you came into this life with every upgrade, everything you were meant to learn, then, well – what would be the point?
- Embrace the transitions, navigate change, and see the silver lining in the learnings you gained from each and every experience. Nobody looks at a clam expecting a beautiful pearl inside. But if you crack it open, you will find the pearl of wisdom in each and every experience. Whether you choose to throw that pearl back on the ocean floor or turn it into a necklace is your choice.
Recommendations/Next Steps:
If you enjoyed this blog post and want to work with me, here is what I recommend:
Going through a big upgrade and feeling stuck energy that just won’t move? Book a package of of 3 energy clearing sessions here.
Want to open, clear, and deepen your connection with your third eye? Book a Third Eye Awakening session.
Want your daily dose of energy on Instagram? Follow me @levennamyers