Understanding the Quantum Field

Someone asked me for my thoughts on quantum field. I said, let me check to see what I get, and this the information that came through.

The quantum field is like a big energetic “net” above us. What we put into it, we get out. It’s this living, breathing fabric of consciousness that is constantly responding to us. It breathes. We breathes. It affects everything on earth. This is why things have cause and effect, because everything entered into the quantum field is met with an equal reaction. That is why mindfulness and consideration are so important because we must be conscious of the thoughts we think, the lies we tell, the stories we adhere to.

We’re also affected by other people, too, energetically. It can be tricky to play the “Earth game” when other people’s energies are in direct conflict with what we know to be true on a soul level. 

Earth is a big, dense school full of lessons. When sh*t is hitting the fan, ask yourself for the lesson. Allow yourself to outgrow old patterns, old waves of consciousness, and it will start to materialize from the field.

A side note on this too, things can materialize very quickly if we let them. If we let go of how long things are “supposed” to take. 

So, on this walk I took to get this information, I started to practice repeating affirmations to myself then feeling the energy of the field respond back to me. I put words out, and I felt it all come back to me. We’re all part of this living, breathing thing.

Now, let’s relate this back to our own energy. We have our own fields – our energy fields, and we can use Quantum Energy Healing and various modalities to shift our own energies so we can stop repeating old patterns and start creating more of what we want.

When we release the need to recreate an experience, it’s because we’re releasing it from our field. 

A lot of stuckness is just trapped energy. A lot of us are carrying things around (consciously, unconsciously, or otherwise) that are prohibiting us from living our best f*cking lives. 

Why do we keep ourselves small when we know it’s time to go big?

Why do we lament instead of taking action?

Why do we shy away when we are ready to speak our motherfucking truth?

Patterns. Frequencies. It’s like a barrier in our field that we must bust through via clearing our energies + expanding into a new way of being.

If you’re ready for deeper shedding, releasing at the energetic level, let me tell you about Quantum Energy Healing and one of my special skills.

This came online for me during the Holidays. Suddenly, I could get my hands deep into someone’s energetic field and start removing old energy and replacing it with a completely new energy.

Remember, new energy = new things coming into your life.

I removed an energetic plug from a client’s third eye, and a week later her spirit guides connected with her for 30 minutes.

I removed hooks and cords from a client’s ex-husband of 20 years! I bet she felt better after that one. 

I assisted a client in completely releasing panic attacks (done subconsciously and energetically). 

My lovely client shared this testimonial from her Quantum Energy Healing session: 

“Levenna has a true gift. She is the TRUTH when it comes to her psychic insights and ability to help clear out any energetic blockages from the past that need releasing. I felt a fairly subtle but powerful energetic shift in the days after my session with her. I went from feeling stuck in the energy that was weighing me down from last year to feeling like anything is possible in the new year in just one session. This was an energy I’d been trying to shake on my own with my own techniques for a while but couldn’t. Her powerful energy healing and intuitive insights did the trick. Thank you Levenna from the bottom of my heart! Don’t wait..book her NOW!” – Kerra

Last thing: the energies lately (for me, anyways) have been a little wild. But deep in my fucking gut I can tell you this: it’s all going to be okay. I know someone needs to hear that. Whatever wave we’re on, is bringing us to calmer waters.

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