In my healing journey, I relied on my intuition to guide me to the right healers, practices, and next steps for ME. The truth is, practitioners can only guide you along your journey. YOU steer the ship. When you’re disconnected from your guidance, healing can feel a lot harder than it needs to be. When you team up and connect with your spirit guides (we all have them!) bringing through the guidance you need, for YOU, at any moment, the entire game changes.

Long are the days of waddling into your therapist’s office, waiting for *the answer to everything* to appear.

It’s like an unlimited river of truth and guidance you can tap into at any moment. Cool, right?

In this free workshop, I’m going to be sharing my story of how I used my connection to my spirit guides on my own journey from healing from sexual trauma AND how I actioned, received, and healed myself with this guidance. I’m going to share exactly how to use this method to harness your own spirit connection on your healing journey.

(We’ll be talking specifically in the context of healing, but you can apply these methods to your career, your business, your relationships, and your money).

Feeling truly connected to the Universe – via your own guides – is one of the most empowering spiritual practices. Because we’re bridging the gap between our soul and our conscious mind, so we can use this infinite wisdom that we all have access to in order to progress through the healing.

And you do NOT have to be psychic to learn this skill. All you need is someone (me) to help you turn the light back on to your own abilities. You DO have the ability to connect, and it is much easier than most people believe it to be. I’ll tell my stories, teach a bit, and then we’ll meditate all together. It’s much more powerful live in a group if you can attend.

In this free workshop, we’re going to cover:

1. Exactly how you can use your connection with your spirit guides to download/channel guidance for your own healing journey 

2. The step-by-step process for asking, receiving, and actioning this guidance in your own healing journey

3. The meditation process for receiving and connecting with your guides on the astral level (plus, a live group meditation!)