Transmute Trauma | Downloadable Energy Clearing


  • This listing includes 2 different versions of this clearing. A single version (at 7:37 minutes) and a longer, looped version of the same clearing paired with music (at 32:13).
  • This recorded energy clearing is just as powerful as a live session, it works to clear trauma on the energetic level.
  • Be open to receiving the healing this audio can offer, and know that healing and light are not limited to time, and recorded versions of these clearings are incredibly powerful!
  • By purchasing this audio, you understand and agree that this audio is not a substitute for professional help. I am not a licensed professional. I am not liable for any injuries that may result from listening.

*All sales final. Priced in USD.


On a soul level, we will never truly reach any level of healing that we are not ready for. As a general rule of thumb, healing occurs at the level at which we are ready to process it at a soul level. Remember, healing is often deeply tied to soul lessons and what we agreed to experience here on Earth. If you are still progressing through a particular lessons that proceeds the healing of a specific issue, that lesson may need to be completed before you move forward to the next layer. 

The important thing about healing is not to cherry pick. We need to heal it all. This process ensures that our lives continue to move forward. As we progress through the lessons, we progress through life. It is the law of the Universe.

When we begin to heal deeply, we often reveal to ourselves more of our soul’s true desire and essence. That is why, in many cases, those of us who experience profound trauma and profound healing, move forwards from the depths of these experiences with a completely shifted attitude towards life and living. It’s not that we became different people entirely – but that we shed more of our ego selves. The identities that we picked up along the way, and we begin to tune in deeper to our soul’s nature. 

It is important here, too, that we do not try to go back to who we used to be. We are, simply put, now in an entirely new container. We can’t bake a cake, then expect to sit there and separate the flour, eggs, and sugar back into neat little piles afterwards. We must embrace the new. It is not only required of us, but it is the only true way to move forward. 

After deep traumatic experiences, many people must face the difficult task of grieving who we used to be. The truth is, trauma changes us. On a physical, emotional, mental, and cellular level, it changes us at the core. It’s supposed to. The trauma that we have experienced in our lives, at times, can be in direct proportion to the lessons our souls agreed to learn in this lifetime. When you stop and ask yourself, what is the lesson this experience is trying to teach me? Then progressing through the tribulations of life becomes a little easier, because we can begin to consciously unwrap the connection of these experiences to the big picture of our experience in this lifetime. 

The more we fight, the more we resist, the more pain we create for ourselves. The more we release our attachment to our past suffering, the better. The future is not contingent on any of the suffering we experienced in the past. It is safe to let it go. These ideas of who we thought we would become, the way we thought life would turn out, are sometimes just that – ideas. We are much more expansive and limitless than that. 

On the cellular level, triggers are simply the energetic frequency of the trauma held in our cells being aggravated. When we clear trauma at the cellular level, triggers reduce or fully release because that frequency is no longer held within them. 

There’s a lot of opinions in the psychological field about repressed trauma and whether or not remembering all trauma is purposeful. For some, the conscious awareness of trauma is necessary to fully release and integrate a traumatic event. It is purposeful for the progression of the soul. It really depends, person to person, on whether or not this experience would benefit them. The best course of action is to allow memories to resurface on their own accord, to not push or prod the subconscious mind for them, and to trust that memories from the past that are repressed will become conscious when the soul is ready to consciously integrate them. 

Dragging out repressed trauma before it is ready to be consciously processed should be avoided. Don’t go digging, because you might just unexpectedly open up a memory that wasn’t ready to resurface just yet. It is important to respect the process here and to trust that your soul, and your body, know when the right time for everything will be. There truly is a greater plan at play for all of us, and things often times make sense when we have fully experienced it. 


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